Imagine not being able to read.

Struggling with math, history, science. Failing classes. Dropping out of school. Flipping burgers or pushing a broom for minimum wage. Unemployment. Maybe even jail.

39% of Georgia 4th graders can’t read at a basic level. 31% of 8th graders still can’t read.

That’s nearly than 40,000 illiterate Georgia kids in a single grade.

We all know struggling readers…the child next door with dyslexia and ADHD. The child from church whose parents can’t read books to her. The child from the refugee family who is just learning English.

95% of these kids can become successful readers with the right kind of instruction.

Why Donate to REAP?

Make a life-changing difference for a struggling reader

Struggling readers need a different kind of reading instruction called Structured Literacy. Only a few teachers know how to provide it. Without this kind of teaching, some of these kids will never read well enough to finish school, get a good job, and provide for a family.

REAP is solving this problem by training public school teachers. REAP is an Atlanta nonprofit organization that provides Structured Literacy training so teachers can turn struggling readers into strong readers with skills that prepare them for school, careers, and a brighter future.

Since 2013 REAP has trained more than 1,700 teachers. Over time, each of these teachers will help 400 students become stronger readers, so your donation pays off year after year.

Look what we can accomplish with your dollars...

Your gift—small or large—will make a difference!

Whatever amount you choose, your gift will directly and positively impact public school readers through the teachers that work with them every day.


Hands-on Learning Materials

Help readers reinforce the learning

$50 will help readers learn with all their senses, which leads to deeper, more meaningful learning. The children use playdough, glitter,  sand, and other fun materials as an important component of the multi-sensory learning process.


Sponsor a Struggling Reader

Help a child unlock the door to reading success

$100 will provide a student with a REAP-trained teacher for one school year. The child will receive instruction in Structured Literacy to develop skills in phonics, reading, spelling, and comprehension, building strong readers who become confident learners.


Teacher Training Webinar

Help REAP-trained teachers keep their skills up to date

$250 will provide a teacher with continuing education. We offer specialized webinars for REAP-trained teachers such as REAP Revisits, designed to keep teachers updated on the latest developments in Structured Literacy.


Helping kids “read to learn”

Help REAP-trained teachers work effectively with older students

$500 will provide a REAP-trained teacher with an intensive 4-day workshop geared toward teaching 3rd–5th grade readers who are making the transition to “reading to learn.” This supplemental training focuses on how to teach students two critical skills: vocabulary and reading + spelling complex words.


Advanced Teacher Coaching

Maximize teachers' ability to boost reading skills

$1000 will provide extra coaching to help a small team of teachers implement the Structured Literacy instruction with maximum impact. This supplemental practical application can mean the difference between students’ reading success or failure.


Sponsor a Teacher

Empower a teacher to help 400 readers

$1500 will provide a public school teacher with REAP’s 10-Day Structured Literacy training. The teacher will learn evidence-based approaches that boost skills in phonics, reading, spelling, and comprehension, which are especially critical for struggling readers. Each trained teacher will improve reading proficiency in 400 students!

Give with confidence

You can be confident that your donation will be used wisely. REAP has earned the Silver Seal of Transparency from Candid (Guidestar), the most complete source of information about U.S. charities and other nonprofit organizations.

The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Reading is Essential for All People Inc. (EIN 46-2262007) as a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.

Individual donations go to teacher training and student reading intervention, thanks to CertaPro Painters of Atlanta. CertaPro supports a large portion of our operating costs so individual donations can go directly to public school teacher training in the foundations of reading instruction.
